1200 Block, North Side
Address: 1201 K Street
Built: 1990
Stories: 18
Square Footage: 241,966
Last Recorded Sale: 09/16/2002
Owner: Health Property Association
Historical Significance: None
Current Use: Professional services and office space.
Address: 1217 K Street, Esquire Theater, (now the Imax Theater)
Built: 1940
Stories: 1
Square Footage: Unknown
Last Recorded Sale: 09/16/2002
Owner: Health Property Association
Historical Significance: The façade of the Esquire Theater, with its curved forms and horizontal bands, is a good example of the Streamline Moderne style. The architect, William David, also designed the similarly styled Tower Theater on Broadway. Although the interior was lost when the theater was converted into State offices in the 1970s, the street façade and marquee were preserved and incorporated into the Esquire IMAX Theater, constructed in 2002.
Current Use: Operating as an IMAX theater.
Address: 1213, 1215 K Street
Built: 1999
Stories: 21
Square Footage: 248,016
Last Recorded Sale: 03/11/2004
Owner: California Hospital Association
Historical Significance: None
Current Use: Mostly offices. The ground floor has the Esquire Grill restaurant.